Το Supra Sword ISL ειναι analog interconnect, με αγωγους απο επικασσιτερωμενο χαλκο 5N (99.999% pure), ανεξαρτητα μονωμενους. Τερματιζονται με RCA. Μηκος 1,5 μέτρο.
Εγγυηση Αντιπροσωπειας. Δυνατοτητα δοσεων.
The cable works as a perfect signal carrier without the side effects of the traditionally designed cables, which display severe problems with frequency responce and phase shifting. Sword maintain the signal integrity with almost immeasurable deformation due to our freedom and ability to master the electro-physical layout, instead of compensating with mystery boxes and batteries. It is hard to beat the Sword series, regardless of price.
What does it sound like? The best description is nothing - Supra Sword does not sound at all. Supra Sword passes the complex music signal of an infinite number of sine waves and an infinite number of levels without causing any deformations between the source output to the receiver input. No part of the music suffer delay (phase shift), why the timing of each tone are exactly the same before and after. If every other hifi device in the system is capable of equally correct timing and preservation of the recordings’ sound, the speaker setup and listening room acoustics is optimal, the result is such alive you can truly imagine being in the studio among the musicians. The Sword’s lack of electrical properties ensures complete transparency. It is sometimes harder to distinguish a transparent cable from a cable with an apparent ”sound lift” that emphasize certain notes.